Saturday, January 9, 2010


well guys if dan brown is about conspiracies and christianity,what would you say about zeitgiest!!! the ultimate collection of conspiracy theories.
The documentary spans 2 parts ,1.45 hrs ea .The sequel to the first part zeitgeist addedum .

Zeitgiest starts with religion , and leaves us with the shocking revelation that all religions are symbolysims to sun worship. and in particular the reference is to christianity. We all know the basic christian story Jesus was born on dec 25 0f a virgin , died at age of 33, had 12 disciples. Well i thought jesus was the only one. But histories of persians, egyptians etc etc have many gods with the same description. Horus of egwas born on dec 25 0f egypt was born of a virgin , died at age of 33, had 12 disciples did miracles. Mithra of persia no where differs from the above description.There are numerous references which are listed by the documentary. Whew after all SUN worship is the ultimate :) and all the stories have deep rooted into our society that we believe them blindly :)
The next part deals with the sept 11 conspiracy and ends with modern money mechanics, the document that was decided to enslave people for eternity .
Zeitgiest addendum deals with money , and how the banking system was designed to enslave people :)

Well guys enough i dont want to spoil the fun of viewing that :)



  1. Sounds interesting da Jeff. Did u get this movie from torrent?

    Is there something to read in regard to this like Da Vinci code..

    I relate to that only

  2. Sounds like a really cool fusion with 911, money banking, and SUN Worship.

    Hope to discuss about this in YAM IT version :)

  3. I guess the author himself vanished out of his post ! Come on jeffrey lets revive this post back!

  4. yup dude :) there was a sudden surge of posts in our blog that have curbed this one.
    yup mate i myself was surprised and the coincidences were alarming :)

